5 facts about t-shirts, we prepared for you.
1-) Which is the biggest t-shirt in the world?
The world's largest t-shirt is in Qatar. Qatar Petroleum Corporation paid a large sum to create a 3,516.25-square-foot T-shirt that is 72.2m long, 48.7m wide and weighs 6 tons.
2-) Registration of Wearing T-Shirts at the Same Time
The most t-shirts worn at the same time were recorded in Sanath Bandara from Sri Lanka and entered the Guinness Book of Records. This number is 257.
3-) Where did the word T-shirt come from?
The word T-shirt was first used in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary prior to the invention of this outfit.
4-) When did the t-shirt become popular?
In the past, people did not prefer an outfit like a t-shirt. However, it became popular when Hollywood's famous artists Marlon Brando and James Dean started wearing these outfits.
5-) Which is the most expensive t-shirt in the world?
As of today, the most expensive t-shirt sold in the world is a model sold by the French company Hermes. This model is worth $91,500.